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Menampilkan postingan dengan label House Tips

How to Make Healthy Home Ventilation?

Air ventilation is one of the important elements in a good and comfortable home. The type that all… Baca selengkapnya How to Make Healthy Home Ventilation?

How to Create a Minimalist But Comfortable Home?

source: dekorrumah.net Many building architect designs today apply the concept ofminimalism , inclu… Baca selengkapnya How to Create a Minimalist But Comfortable Home?

House Tips and Trick: How to Save Energy at Home on 2023?

Global warming certainly happens quickly because of the impact of factories and PLTU. Over time, t… Baca selengkapnya House Tips and Trick: How to Save Energy at Home on 2023?

How to Make a Good House on 2022?

Home should be the most comfortable place to rest, socialize and share happiness with family membe… Baca selengkapnya How to Make a Good House on 2022?